Woodside Robotics Lab
Actus Associates were engaged to carry out the development of the project brief and subsequent design and documentation services for the new Woodside robotics laboratory. As the new innovation hub for Woodside on emerging and robotics technologies, the new laboratory needed to meet the requirements of Woodside’s own clients such as global leaders like NASA, GE and John Deere.
Actus centred the return brief on Woodside’s purpose, values and culture. The design zeroed in on the core functions and end user value-adds to elevate the functionality of the laboratory, to not only increase efficiency but to also provide a space that was dynamic, connected, energised, and fostered staff well-being.
The final scope delivered a 400sqm PC1 laboratory and 340sqm external testing hardstand. Internal elements captured intelligent and autonomous systems, state of the art audio visual and security facilities, speed gate entry barriers, kitchen and dining in addition to layered collaboration spaces and mobile / flexible workstations. The selection of natural colours influenced by indigenous culture was the foundation for the general interior palette.